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This premium L-Glutamine supplement stands out for its exceptional purity and enhanced bioavailability. Through a meticulous fermentation process, this product is free from contaminants. The micronization technique further enhances its absorption, ensuring optimal effectiveness.

Key Benefits:

Muscle Recovery: Accelerates muscle recovery, diminishes soreness after intense workouts, and is vital for muscle tissue repair and minimizing breakdown.

Immune Function: Bolsters the immune system, particularly important for athletes facing immune suppression from strenuous activities.

Gut Health: Fortifies the gut lining, beneficial for alleviating conditions like leaky gut syndrome, thus improving overall digestive health.

Protein Synthesis: Essential in promoting protein synthesis, supporting muscle growth, and enhancing recovery efforts.

Enhanced Features: Crafted to meet the needs of both avid athletes and casual fitness enthusiasts, our L-Glutamine is engineered for those who demand the most from their supplements, ensuring peak performance and recovery.

Whey hydrolyzed protein is a type of protein powder derived from cow's milk. It undergoes a process of hydrolysis, which breaks down the protein into smaller peptide chains.

This process makes it more soluble and easier to absorb in the body. Whey hydrolyzed protein is popular among athletes and people looking to build muscle or improve their athletic performance, as it can be easily consumed in the form of a shake or added to food.

It may also be used as a supplement for individuals with nutritional needs and medical conditions that require a high-protein diet. .

Composition: The formula includes a blend of beta-alanine, taurine, and caffeine designed to enhance athletic performance.

Target Benefits: Aimed at increasing energy levels, focus, and endurance during workouts.


Performance Enhancement: Beta-alanine is a non-essential amino acid that helps increase muscle carnosine levels, which can buffer acid in muscles, improve endurance, and reduce fatigue.

Delayed Fatigue: By increasing carnosine levels, beta-alanine can help delay muscle fatigue during intense exercise, allowing for longer training sessions and improved performance .


Energy and Focus: Taurine is often included in energy drinks and pre-workout supplements for its role in supporting neurological development and helping regulate water and mineral levels in blood.

Muscle Contraction: It is believed to improve muscle contractions and protect muscles from cell damage and oxidative stress, which can enhance recovery times and muscle performance during workouts .


Increased Alertness and Concentration: Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant that can help improve focus, energy levels, and time to fatigue.

Enhanced Physical Performance: It can increase the release of adrenaline, which stimulates the body and provides athletes with a temporary boost in strength and endurance. It is also known for its ability to increase fat oxidation, which can help with endurance exercises .

These points combine the specific benefits of each component of the Liquid Pre-Workout, reflecting how each ingredient contributes to the overall effectiveness of the supplement in boosting athletic performance and endurance.

Dual Blend: Combines 60% whey concentrate and 40% whey isolate to maximize both immediate and prolonged protein absorption.

Nutrient-Rich Concentrate: Whey concentrate enhances nutrient intake, supporting sustained muscle growth and maintenance.

Pure Isolate: Offers a higher protein content with minimal fats and lactose, ideal for rapid recovery and suitable for those with lactose intolerance.

Optimal Nourishment: Designed for comprehensive muscle nourishment, improving strength and recovery for fitness enthusiasts.

Isolate Whey

Whey isolate protein is a type of pin powder derived from whey, the liquid portion of milk that separates from the curds during cheese production. It is a complete protein, containing all nine essential amino acids.

High in protein content and low in fat and carbohydrates, whey isolate protein is often used by bodybuilders and athletes to support muscle growth and repair.

Concentrate Whey

Rich in Nutrients: Whey concentrate contains lower levels of protein (around 70-80%) but retains more natural nutrients than other forms of whey. It includes beneficial fats, minerals, and vitamins.

Cost-Effective: Generally less expensive than whey isolate and hydrolyzed, making it a good choice for those on a budget.

Balanced Digestion Speed: Concentrate is absorbed more slowly than isolate and hydrolyzed forms, providing a steady release of amino acids, which can be beneficial for prolonged muscle nourishment and recovery​ (​.

This powerful carbohydrate blend is designed to optimize energy and recovery for athletes. Here’s how each ingredient supports your performance:


Quick Energy: Rapidly boosts energy levels, making it ideal for immediate post-exercise recovery.

Replenishes Glycogen: Effectively restores muscle glycogen stores that deplete during vigorous workouts.

Insulin Spike: Triggers an insulin spike, enhancing nutrient and amino acid transport into muscles, promoting repair and growth.


Fast Absorption: This patented carbohydrate replenishes glycogen at an accelerated rate, enhancing recovery.

Sustained Energy: Offers a steady energy release, helping avoid the common post-exercise energy dip.

Enhances Performance: Proven to boost athletic performance by maintaining energy levels and facilitating quicker recovery.


Easily Digestible: Rapidly absorbed, providing a quick energy boost.

Stable Energy: Maintains consistent energy levels during extended periods of physical activity.

Supports Recovery: Assists in quick recovery by replenishing glycogen stores soon after exercise.

Palatinose™ (Isomaltulose)

Low Glycemic Index: Delivers a slow and steady glucose release, maintaining stable blood sugar levels.

Extended Energy: Ideal for endurance athletes needing prolonged energy supply.

Promotes Fat Oxidation: Encourages the use of fat as an energy source, which can enhance endurance performance.


Liver Glycogen Replenishment: Targets and replenishes liver glycogen, essential for sustained energy during endurance sports.

Enhanced Carbohydrate Utilization: Improves overall carbohydrate absorption and utilization when combined with other carbs.

Collagen (Type 1 & 3) - 40,000 mg

Skin Health: Enhances skin elasticity and hydration, while reducing wrinkles, helping combat the visible signs of aging.

Joint Health: Supports the integrity of cartilage, reducing symptoms of osteoarthritis and easing joint pain, crucial for mobility and comfort.

Muscle Mass: Contributes to muscle mass increase, especially in conjunction with resistance training, for better strength and physical performance.

Gut Health: Aids in fortifying the gut lining, which may alleviate issues like leaky gut syndrome, promoting overall digestive health.

Biotin – 200 micrograms

Hair Health: Encourages robust hair growth and helps in reducing hair thinning.

Nail Strength: Fortifies brittle nails, reducing their tendency to split and break.

Skin Health: Promotes smoother, more hydrated skin.

Metabolism: Vital for converting food into energy, thereby boosting metabolic processes.

Hyaluronic Acid – 380 mg

Skin Hydration: Keeps skin moist and plump, enhancing youthful appearance.

Joint Health: Serves as a joint lubricant and shock absorber, easing pain and improving joint mobility.

Wound Healing: Accelerates the healing process and may lessen scar visibility.

Vitamin C – 310 mg

Antioxidant Protection: Guards against cellular damage by neutralizing free radicals.

Immune Support: Enhances immune system function and promotes resistance against infections.

Collagen Production: Crucial for collagen synthesis, supporting skin structure and efficient wound healing.

Iron Absorption: Improves the body's uptake of iron from plant sources, helping prevent iron deficiency.

L-Arginine – 4,300 mg

Vasodilation: Aids in widening blood vessels for improved blood flow, beneficial for heart health and circulation.

Performance Enhancement: Boosts exercise performance by enhancing endurance and strength through better blood flow.

Wound Healing: Promotes faster and more effective healing by supporting collagen production and enhancing circulation.

Immune Function: Boosts immune system efficiency through enhanced white blood cell production.


Renowned for its unmatched purity and efficacy, Creapure® is a premier form of creatine monohydrate. Produced in Germany with rigorous quality controls, it features a finely micronized (200 mesh) texture that enhances both solubility and absorption, maximizing its effectiveness.

Unique Benefits:

Optimized Muscle Energy: Creapure® efficiently replenishes ATP, essential for powering intense workouts and explosive movements.

Strength and Performance Gains: Documented research supports its role in boosting physical performance, enhancing strength, and increasing endurance, helping athletes achieve new levels of training intensity.

Accelerated Recovery: Facilitates quicker recovery between training sessions by reducing muscle soreness and efficiently restoring creatine levels in muscles.

Cognitive Enhancement: Beyond physical benefits, Creapure® is linked to improved mental sharpness and focus, supporting cognitive health under demanding conditions.

Purity and Safety: With a vegan certification and free from animal-derived ingredients, Creapure® is safe for long-term use and caters to a broad spectrum of dietary preferences without compromising on quality.